Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy busy week but we have to eat...

Our garden is coming along beautifully!  We've had quite a bit of rain lately, so even though it makes me want to hibernate like a bear, I know the plants are loving it.  We even picked some lettuce for Sunday night's dinner!

This week will be ridiculously busy:
Monday: Hubs has a History Fair meeting after school
Tuesday: school-wide writing test and Scouts that evening
Wednesday: Hubs has an after-school appointment
Thursday: Hubs has class and I will be out of town all day at our Music Performance Assessment (MPA)
Friday: MPA day two for me, and after school, Hubs will be getting ready for a yard sale fundraiser
Saturday: Yard sale fundraiser for History Club, and ds has bowling.

And we haven't even started it yet!
So here's the food plan:

Sunday~ Leftover beef tenderloin for lunch.  Pizza from the freezer and salad from the garden for dinner.  YUM!
Monday~ Some form of Mexican-seasoned steak, refried beans, Pioneer Woman's Mexican Rice, quesadillas
Tuesday~ Leftover spaghetti (from Saturday) with cheese bread and perhaps a salad
Wednesday~ some kind of chicken something, specifics yet to be determined
Thursday~ MPA - fend for yourself
Friday~ MPA - we'll see how it works out because I don't know what time I'll be home and what time they have to set up for the yard sale!
Saturday~ it remains to be seen...

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