Sunday, May 8, 2011

May... menu....

I didn't post at all last week - I was preparing to go out of town with my chorus and knew that we wouldn't be eating at home much, so I just didn't expend the mental energy!

This week, we will eat at home.... more than we'll eat out, anyway. ;)

Hubby's birthday is this week and he hasn't quite figured out how he wants to celebrate, so we'll have to see what he decides.

Sunday~ Mother's Day. But since I've been gone for three days, I ended up cooking anyway. We had collard greens, mac'n'cheese, and chicken.

Monday~ Chicken with rosemary and mushrooms, rice, fresh green beans.

Tuesday~ Ham & mushroom crustless quiche, tossed salad (tomatoes from the garden!)

Wednesday~ Tacos/taco salad

Thursday~ Hubby's b-day... my guess is a steak dinner

Friday~ Teriyaki chicken, stir fry veggies, leftover rice

Saturday~ TBA

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