Sunday, July 6, 2008

For the Fourth....

Laura at Heavenly Homemakers posed these questions earlier in the week. We, of course, were not at home, but I thought they were interesting questions, and am always curious what others do to celebrate holidays. So here are my answers to her questions!

Eating? Burgers & Dogs, pasta salad, potato salad, chips
Actually we ate so much food this weekend that it's too much to track... fried fish, grilled chicken, beef tenderloin...

Be with? My parents, sister, BIL & nephew (19 mos), brother & nieces (11 and 8 yrs), hubby & 2 sons (22 & 7.5)

Travelling? To a beach house about 30 minutes from our house

Guests? No - just family (well, Marine Son’s friend who is also a Marine, but we have adopted him - his family is upstate NY)

Fireworks? YES!!! They were everywhere - we watched multiple shows from the house

Light them yourself? We will later this week.

The highlight of our weekend was my parents’ renewal of their wedding vows for their 40th anniversary. WOW - 40 years!! :)

For that event... we all wore white shirts & khaki shorts and our pastor came out to the beach house and my parents renewed their vows on the dunes. It was short but very touching, as we watched the emotion of sharing 40 years together appear on our parents' faces. Then afterward, we celebrated with grilled beef tenderloin (cooked to perfection by my darling husband!), new potatoes, fresh corn on the cob (shucked that day by my 7 year old son and 8 year old niece), and tossed salad (with veggies fresh from our own garden!). The meal was followed by a toast of sparkling apple cider, and a gorgeous cake from The Cake Shop here in town. Pictures will be forthcoming!

So.... how did YOU celebrate?

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